I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween!!!!!!! Since I don't have my pix loaded I am going to give to until tomorrow to comment on my other post to guess what Princess was........... We have 2 very good guesses so far! Hope you all got lots of candy! (or at least your kids did) :)
You can also comment on this post to guess what Princess was for Halloween!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Posted by
7:37 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Random Week Stuff
Well I just wanted to update and tell you what was going on! On Monday we were out of school!!! :) So we went to Ch*ck E Cheese and also got my brothers Halloween costumes! Adam is going to be Darth Vader and Hayne is going to be a starwa*s ranger thing lol I'm not really sure! I will reveal Miss Anna Grace's costume tomorrow! :) We haven't done much else this week really- We did go to the Trunk-R-Treat at our yesterday and did a trunk which was fun and everyone LOVED Princess and her costume!! I am not dressing up this year- :( Mybest friend and I were going to be Hann*h Montan* and Miley Cyrus- lol Just for fun but I don't think we are :) Oh well maybe next year :) Hope you are all having a great week!!!
*Anyone wanna guess what Princess is being for Halloween??? Just leave a comment! :)
Sorry for the SUPER short post-
Posted by
4:19 PM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Blog Award!
Well Amy has given me a blog award! I love to read her blog and see what is going on in her life with her precious little girl! Go over to her blog and take a look!
If you get this award you must then choose 7 blogs you love to read and then post this sticker (above) on to your blog somewhere-
Here are mine
- Lexie {Journey to Karleigh Mei}
- Leslie {Princesa Gautemalteca}
- Kara {Life with Meighan Fu}
- Abigail {Life with my Mei Mei Addie}*Private*
- Ahnna {Life with my precious Mei Mei} *Private*
- Jodi {Funny Farm}
- Christy {To Mia With Love}
Have a great rest of the weekend!! :)
*Also a new blog design! Tell me what you think!
Posted by
12:32 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Look at that sweet face! Oh how I miss that
Well today I am thankful for these things:
- My Mei Mei who is being rocked right now waking up from her nap-
- My Home
- My WONDERFUL family
- The fact that Volleyball season is almost over- (I know it's a bad thing I really have enjoyed it but I am ready to be home in the afternoon!)
- My friends
- Christmas is only 2 months and 2 days away!!!!!!
- Internet : )
Have a GREAT Thursday & Friday!!
Posted by
3:03 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I've been tagged! : )
Now I get to share 7 weird things about myself and I get to tag 7 others.
- I am a perfectionist at a few things 1 example is if a paper is bent I have to get a new one! Stuff like that drives me CRAZY!!
- I am VERY simple! I don't get a lot of things until WAY after it is over :) I was blonde at birth lol (NO offense towards blonde's) : )
- I can't stand to be around sick people I lose it if someone throws up around me (I can't help it)
- I love flip-flops! I wear them during the winter! (My Best Friend and I wear toe socks with them when its REALLY cold)
- I'm NEVER really quite around people I know EVER! I am LOUD- lol :)
- I HATE to write! (The odd thing is I spend A TON of my time on the computer writing post) : ) {This is random but EVERYTHING i do with#s is 7 I am #7 on the volleyball team (i got to choose :] }
- I LOVE Dis*ney movies! Especially the Princess ones (My Princess is rubbing off on me) When I was little I wanted to be Ariel and have red hair- To this day I LOVE and have an obsession with red hair!! :)
Anyway here is who I tag!
Also we took AG for her 2 yr old check up thing and she is still 20.6 she has not gained an ounce in almost a year :O The doctor said he would be VERY worried if she were not Asian she still does not rank on the American growth chart and is barely in the 20%tile on the Chinese! :( We have a lil peanut :) The nurse brought stickers for her and this is how the conversation between the 2 went:
AG- I need 5 stickers
Nurse- these are 5 stickers
AG- UM no this is (takes stickers lays them out) 1,2,3,4 stickers I need 5
Nurse- OK
AG- I want a Cinderella sticker
Nurse- Okay I'll go get one
AG- Otay
Nurse- (Has sleeping beauty sticker) Heres your Cinderella sticker
AG- No thats Auwua I want Cinderella
Nurse- No Honey this is Cinderella
AG- No it's not I know my princess' that's Auwua I want Cinderella!
Kids say the CRAZIEST things : )
Hope your all having a GREAT week! :o)
Also go to our new Carolina Girl Website!!! Look at all the designs! Tell me what you think!!! :) Christmas will be out next Monday and I LOVE it!!!
Posted by
3:37 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
FINALLY! Here are the pix from PAG and Hayne's Party! I would have made collages BUT my computer is SO slow! I decided to just use the ones my Mom made on Picasa! I am SO sorry it took SO long to get these posted! Hope you enjoy.. Just click to enlarge the collages : ) Hope you are all having a GREAT weekend!
Here are the pix from the Pumpkin Patch and festival!! We had a great time!!! ENJOY!
Posted by
12:23 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
It's been awhile since I've done one of these! ENJOY!!
{no idea why I chose this pix i just thought it was sweet : ) }
Posted by
2:46 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
Princess Anna Grace
She wore her dress!!!!! We were thrilled!!Mommy helping her open presents!
Sir Hayne
Princess with her Mommy and Daddy opening her presents
My Princess and I!
Today we went to a pumpkin festival type thing and a "mini" pumpkin patch! We had SO much fun!! Princess had a ball! We played games, jumped on bouncie things, and much more! I can't wait to share the pix! I have loads of pix from that and pix from Princess an Hayne's birthday party! Our laptop is giving me a fit SO when I get the chance I will upload them! But here are a few to hold you over! This is all I could get to upload :]
I have got to get back into blogger world! I miss it!
This is my hate list about being crazy:
- I have NO time!
- I rarely have free time
- There is no free moment most days
- I never get to spend as much time with my Princess as I want to
- I never get to blog or look at others blogs
- You feel like you are going 1,000 different ways!
- Playing my favorite sport
- Doing what I love
- Never being bored
- Spending a lot of time with friends
- Never being alone
Oh! I also want to add a few conversations I have had with Princess in the past week!
Wednesday- 10/8/08
Me- Hey Annaboo
PAG- Hey Sissyboo howa you
Me- I'm good. How are you doing today
PAG- I guess I fine
Me- That's good
PAG- I want some gummies
Me- We don't have any
PAG- Go get some then
Me- I can't
PAG- Why
Me- I can't drive
PAG- Make Mommy get them for me
Gotta Love her!
Friday- 10/10/08
PAG- Hey Sissy
Me- Hey Anna
PAG- I weigh 20lbs
Me- You do?!?!
PAG- yup! I so pretty lika model!
Me- Yes you are
PAG- I know-
(Walks away with hands by her side like a model lol)
Me- Pick a pumpkin Princess
Me- Lets get a baby pumpkin
PAG- You go get one
Me- Which one
PAG- A princess one
Me- OK
She cracks me up- She is SSOO sweet and I LOVE her more and more! These aren't too funny but they are still cute!
Enjoy the weekend!!!
Ashton and Princess Anna Grace (PAG)
Posted by
2:08 PM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Carolina Girl
These shirts are what my parents started selling these shirts to raise money to bring Princess home! We had NO idea how far these would go and how well we would do! These are the new designs they just came out with! Tell me what you think! My Parents own a screen printing and embroidery so they made the shirts "out of house!" lol Just thought I would share these shirts!
By the way in Volleyball news we now have a record of 3-7- Ya not so good but were getting better! Hope you all are having a great week!
Posted by
3:39 PM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
New Blog Design!
Well my blog is redesigned for Halloween! Tell me what you think! I love that picture of my little Princess!!!
Posted by
10:00 AM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Kids for Kids- and We are having a Partyy!!! and which Design?
I know this is an old pix but..... hey better than nothing :)
As you all probably know I am doing blog designs now for anyone who wants one! I don't charge but to people who would like to pay in some way I ask them to make a donation to Love Without Boundaries- My story got to LWB and they put me in their monthly news letter called Kids for Kids!!! Go here to check it out HERE! I am SO excited!
In other news..... Tomorrow we are having a PARTY!!! It's for Hayne and Princess!! We are having a Knight and Princess party!!! I am SO excited! We are having it at our house! We should have a ton of fun! We will have a "Slay the Dragon" game! (Jodi drew the dragon and he looks AWESOME) We are also having "Sword Fights" (Lord help us) Then for our Princess we are doing hair/makeup and playing princess games! This should be a lot of fun!! I will post pix ASAP!! Also some of our best friends Bobbi and Jake are coming!!!!!!! YAY I can't wait to see Lillie and Maddie! We are going to have a fun weekend!
This was a VERY hard ticker for me to make! I about cried! She is getting SO old and time is just flying........ I'm trying to enjoy this time with her but it is going by too fast-
I love you Anna Grace FuLai!
Also here is a beautiful song by Crystal Shawanda called "You Can Let Go" it is beautiful- Please take a moment to listen to it... Sorry it's not the actual video it wasn't embed on Y*ouTube-
*By the way my leg is healing REALLY well!! Thank you for all your prayers!!! I also wanted to thank you for your concern! Princess and I are doing WONDERFUL! We are just CRAZY busy!!!*
One more question! Do you like this header or the header I have right now??? Be honest and please tell me! I can't decide! :)
*click to enlarge*
Posted by
6:07 PM