Today is My Mom's Birthday! My Dad and I got up this morning and went to Publix to get Balloons and flowers ad then to Bojangles to get her BoBerry Biscuits! I decorated the kitchen in some decorations we got yesterday and we are going up to the shop (My Dad's business) to eat lunch with everyone that works there! It should be a lot of fun!!!
I love you so much Mom and Hope you have a great Birthday!!!!!
Y'all go over to my Mom's Blog and wish her a Happy Birthday!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom!!
Posted by
6:49 AM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
That seems to be what I am thinking about today- TIME- It flies by so quickly once you are home with your baby but when your are waiting it seems like a day is a month-I am still in shock that this time one year ago Princess had been in the U.S.A for only not even a month- I remember how we had our luggage and stroller so we took the elevator down to where everyone was waiting- They were all looking up the escalator waiting for us to walk out with our new little girl- Of course when the elevator opened everyone looked and started yelling "It's them they're home" It was SO amazing I also remember the news being at the airport they videoed Princess putting her feet on U.S soil for the first time- When we landed in Chicago we didn't let her feet touch the ground b/c we wanted her Nana and Jodi to be able to see- I remember being interviewed and them asking me questions about the trip and all I remember saying was "She is the best sister you could ever have." She is still the best Mei Mei in the world and always will be- Sometimes I forget she was ever adopted it feels like she has always been part of our family- I just wish time could stop and Princess would always be 22 months old and always Love Elmo and Princess- Unfortunately that is not the case time won't and can't stop unless God has plans for it to- :) I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Here is a pix of Princess on July 3, 2007-Look at how little my Princess was-
Posted by
11:35 AM
My First Meme!
I was tagged for my first Meme!!
Here are the rules:
- List the rules on your blog. (Done!)
- Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
- I love to play Volleyball- I was a manager last year for the volleyball team (6th graders can't play on the team) and loved it! I had a ball!
- I can't stand to be sick- I can handle strep throat, colds, ear infections etc. But I can not handle when someone throws up or when I- :)
- I lovve to cook! I like cooking all kinds of things! My Mom just ordered a waffle maker and I can't wait to play with it!! I also LOVE to make omelets! I am really good at it to :)
- I love to play around on the computer- I would spend all day on it if I could! I check two things everyday and that is my email and my blog!
- I love to take pictures! I will randomly go outside and just snap pictures of Princess doing tings- Or I will go through the house and take pictures of things she is doing-
- I love to design blogs! I will just go make blogs to play with them and design them- lol
- I love comments! I for some reason love to know people are looking at my blog! :) lol
Posted by
5:28 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Gracie's 5th Birthday Party!
Beautiful Princess
She L-O-V-E-S herself!! Who doesn't?? :]
You said what now? lol
Birthday Princess!
Cinderella with the girls! (I did their hair :] )
Princess dancing with Cinderella
My Beautiful Princess
Being silly while Jodi holds her!
Gracie drinking Tea
Beautiful Birthday Girl Gracie!
Princess Kamden!!
Princess drinking "Tea" (pink lemonade)
Yesterday we went to one of my Mom's good friends daughters birthday Party! It was a Princess Tea Party theme! We had it at a Hair Salon and did the little girls hair, make-up, and nails! It was a great party! Princess LOVED Cinderella!! She got Cinderella to pick her up and dance it was so cute! When Princess first saw Cinderella or Cinawella as Princess calls her :) She walked right up to her and said "Hi! Pwincess Hi!" It was ADORABLE!!!! She was just a little chatterbox! She lost it when we **Tried** to put her Sleeping Beauty costume on! She screamed! So we just let her wear her Princess Outfit- The Party turned out GREAT I think and it was a great idea! Princess might be having a Princess party instead of Elmo- Whatever makes Princess happy makes me happy!! :)
Here is my *NEW* motto:
If Princess ain't happy ain't NOBODY in the house happy!! lol
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Princess and Ashton
Posted by
7:17 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Guess What???
Yup that's right;Princess is getting glasses!!! This is a pix of her yesterday being fitted! My Mom took it with her phone sent it to my phone and then I sent it to my email so it's blurry- She is getting Hot Pink Disney Princess glasses! My Mom said when they were fitting her she looked up at my Mom with them on and "I a Pwincess Mommy" She is a different child with them on my Mom said! She will get her glasses next week and have to wear them everyday- Please Pray she will adjust to wearing glasses and doesn't rip them off her head :) The day she gets her glasses I will have a "photo shoot" of her and her glasses!!! I can't wait!
Posted by
9:06 AM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Guess who Feels Better??!!!?!!!!?!?
Yup you guessed it Princess is!! Thank you to everyone who prayed for Princess! She is feeling a lot better and is back to herself- She no longer has blisters and is doing a 1,000 times better! I took some pix of Princess yesterday and I think she looks adorable!! She was still not feeling GREAT yesterday so I couldn't get many pix of her smiling or looking Princessy! I will try to post those when I get the disk back from Nana-
Also I was bored today and decided to redesign my blog again! I think I have a problem! lol I thought this was really cute and it is some of my favorite colors! PINK AND GREEN!!!
Posted by
3:51 PM
Princess is Sick :(
That is exactly how Princess feels- Here is the story:
Well on Thursday Princess started running a fever and Jodi's son Max noticed it when we were at VBS- We thought she was teething but she had a fever of 101 when we took it- We called the doctor and they said it was just viral- We had planned to leave the next day to go to Pigeon Forge with Jodi and her family- We still went thinking Princess was OK- The doctors told us that if she threw up more than 2 times to bring her home- Luckily she didn't throw up AT ALL! Praise God but when we went to dinner she was having a difficult time eating and would cry when she drank- My Mom and Jodi looked in her mouth and in the roof of her mouth and down her throat she had blisters- I have never seen her SO sick- On Saturday she still didn't feel good and my parents took her to the urgent care- The doctor said it was viral and to continue what we were doing- She had a high fever and it got to the point where she was in so much pain we had a schedule of giving her medicine- (ex. 12:00pm she got Tylenol and at 2:00pm she got Motrin) I felt so bad for her- On Sunday she was a little better but still not herself- Yesterday she was a different child but still not back to normal- Please pray she is completely better soon! I will try and get some pix from our very relaxing weekend- Really it was great even with Princess being sick-
Thanks Jodi and Craig for helping us SOO much this weekend!!! We had a ball with y'all! Can't wait to do it again!!!!
Posted by
6:38 AM
Monday, July 21, 2008
Well I got an award from Windy! This is the first award I have received and I am SO excited! (I know I am a dork) I got the Brilliant Award- Go figure -
Here are the rules:
To choose seven bloggers and return the award-
So here they are:
Mom- She has had a website/blog for a LONG time now and does a good job keeping it updated- She also takes GREAT pix!
Jodi- She is new in blogger world and is doing a GREAT job keeping it updated!
Lexie- She has helped me a ton with blogger! and is in the process of getting her new little sister, Karleigh Mei from China!
Nana- Just started a blog and is Brilliant at scrapbooking-
Ok so it isn't 7 but 4- I will try and put more later-
Posted by
7:05 AM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Princess' NEW outfit!
Mema made Princess an outfit and it is ADORABLE!! I had to take some pix of it so here they are! Does she not look precious?? She wasn't copperating so she isn't smiling in any of the pix! =( But she still looks cute I think~ Hope you enjoy the pix! Thank you Mema!!Monkey Lips!
My favorite
Back of the outfit- Isn't it precious??!?!!!?
Posted by
8:42 AM
New Blog Design!
Well I just redesigned my blog! Lexie helped me out soooo much and did the previous design b/c my computer was all messed up- I had that design for a few months and have decided to redesign it! Thank you SOOOO much Lexie! I just thought I was in need of a new design- Tell me what you think! I like it but don't know if it is to dark for a princess! :)
Posted by
5:55 AM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
We call her Princess :)
For a reason.......
I walked in to Princess' room today and found her in this- So I of course had to take pictures- I tried in her room but they didn't turn out any good so I went to our couch and snapped a few there- They aren't the best but turned out pretty cute-
Posted by
8:05 AM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
CWA picnic and Pix from the week!
Well today we went to our Agency Picnic and it was GREAT!!! We had SOO much fun seeing the babies who were newly home from China and some of our Travel Mates- We got to see Lana and Sarah today which was soo much fun! We got to see Mina and another Anna Grace! We had a ball- My parents went out yesterday from about 2-10 and we stayed with Nana- So Anna Grace made my Mom pay today by not letting her put her down AT ALL! She warmed up some and let Me and my Dad hold her- We also got to Lindsey and her Mei Mei Chloe- We got to see Bobbi!!! and Lillie and Maddie who are as always ADORABLE! We had so much Fun today and can't wait for another picnic! Here are some pix from the picnic!
This week I tried to take pictures of Princess everyday- Now I got close but couldn't do EVERYDAY! Here are some pix of throughout the week! (The first set is from Tuesday and they are my FAVORITE! So I had to put them first-)My Favorite
Posted by
3:42 PM
Friday, July 11, 2008
Happy 16th Anniversary Mom and Dad!!!
Here is a picture of my Mom In her dress it was all I could find! Sorry it is not rotated!
Well today is my parents 16th wedding Anniversary! Sadly I don't have any pix of their wedding day on the computer- =( I will see if I can scan some and I will post them later! I only know where 1 picture of them- It was of when I was about 9 months old or less I think- Go Over to My Mom's blog and wish her a Happy Anniversary!!!!!!
LOVE Your ALL-TIME favorite child =),
ALSO I NEED HELP!!! Princess is turning 2 in just a few months and I am working/playing around with invitations- She is having an Elmo party this year- Here is the first of many (most-likely) to come- Tell me what I could do to make it better! Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!
HAVE A GREAT weekend!!!
Posted by
4:01 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thankful Thursday
When we were on the beach we took Red Thread pictures- For those of you who don't know what it is go here to my previous post-
Here is what I am Thankful For:
- Anna Grace
- Our great friends
- Being able to go to Chuck E. Cheese today with our very best Friends- Jodi and her kids'
- Getting to see 5 of the 9 Xiushan Sisters this weekend!
- My Family
- Our Church
- Our Red Thread that lead us straight to our Princess!!
Posted by
3:00 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
An Invisible Red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread might stretch or tangle, but will never break.
-Chinese Proverb
Posted by
5:42 AM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
We are HOME!!!! **UPDATE AGAIN**
I still have MORE pictures and promise to *TRY* and post them tomorrow!Adam, Cole, Max and Hayne
The Twins! Hal and Craig in their (unplanned) matching "Life is Good" shirts
Meighan, Sarah, and Princess (smallest one still)
Meighan and Princess
Princess and Meighan
The Sleepy Princess was not happy at breakfast!
Nana covering Shag in sand
Deb and Meighan
Princess smiling on 1 year Gotcha day!!!
Meighan on 1 year Gotcha Day
Princess holding her One Year Gotcha Day Present- A bracelet from China- she also got an Olympic stuffed toy!
Princess loves to put on make-up
Our BEAUTIFUL sand shark!! lol
Princess LOVED her "Ice Ceam"
Nana and Princess
Ken and his foot long shark! Way to go Ken! :)
Max and his fish
Shag and his fish he caught
Meighan was SOO happy
Cole, Adam and Hayne building a shark
So Pretty in her white dress
Nana and Bop-Bop "Horse'n Around"
Left to right: Max, Craig, Cole, Kamden, and Jo
Beautiful- My favorite picture
Princess on her Princess towel that she L-O-V-ES
A VERY rare moment of playing in the ocean/sand
Beautiful Meighan Fu
Beautiful Princess
Me and MY Princess- (I had floor burn on my knee from volleyball camp last week and it got looking REALLY bad so I put "Purple Medicine" on it- That is why it looks so freaky)
Another pix of me and my Princess
Hayne and Princess
Our lil Monkey and her Minana (Princess' word for Banana)
Well we got home from the beach at 3:15!! Deb and Ken are going to stay with us for 3 days!!!! We are sooo excited! Here is our Beach trip in a nut shell:
We (My family) got to the beach at 6:45 or so on Wednesday- We went to the Olive Garden at around 7:30ish and ate- We went back to the hotel and passed out- We got up on Thursday and went out to the pool and the beach- We had a veeerrrry uneventful day and just spent some family time together! On Friday we got up at 8:00am and went straight to the beach- We stayed out until about 2:30 or so and then Princess came in and took a nap- Nana and Papa got to the hotel at about 8:00pm (i think) We had dinner unload their "Over night" bag and went to bed at about 11:30pm- On Saturday we went to the pool and beach (go figure) and played around until 2:00pm and then we went in for lunch and Princess and My Mom took a nap- At about 6:15 Deb and Ken got to the resort! We got some food and just talked until 10 or so- Jodi and Craig got to the resort at about 9:30ish (I am pretty sure) We got up on Sunday and did the same as everyday- at again about 2 we came in and let the girls nap- We didn't do much on Sunday just relaxed and that is what vacation is for so we were all pretty good with that! On Monday we relaxed and at about 7 we went to Barefoot Landing and walked around- On Tuesday and Wednesday we did the same things- EXCEPT ON WEDNESDAY WE CELEBRATED 1 YEAR WITH PRINCESS!!!!!! (I know I am SOOO exciting right LOL) On Thursday we relaxed and just had fun- Joyce and Eric came over with Sarah and for the first time in a year we got to see Bethany and her family!!! I think Bethany gets the award for changing the most!!!! The girls were SOOO sweet together!! On Thursday Brian and Nikki came over and had Ella and her brother Thomas and Sister Monica!!!! I had soo much fun with Kara and Monica- We rode up and Down the elevator and playing around! Since Friday was the 4th of July all 5 girls: Princess, Meighan, Sarah, Bethany, and Ella were all at our hotel!!! The girls highlighted stayed at the same hotel as us! Craig got REAALLLY sick on Friday- (He had an allergic reaction to a spray he used) He felt pretty bad and had to go to the hospital a 2 more times yesterday! PLEASE PRAY FOR CRAIG AND HIS FAMILY!!!!!! On Saturday we got up at about 8 and packed up and at 10 we were heading out- We got home at 3:15- and we went to Nana and Papa's house to help them unpack- Deb and Ken were with us) We got to the end of the road and at the stop sign Ken pulled out and their car stopped completely- Ken, Chris, and My Dad got out to push- But very soon Myself, Kara, and My Mom were pushing (Deb got to drive the car- Luckily we were close enough to Nana's house that we were able to push it there- My Papa has connections and is going to get their car fixed!!! We had a great vacation and are going to a Chinese restaurant that we LOVE- I will have to post pix later!!!! SOOO SORRY about the lack of pix!!
**Craig is doing MUCH better!!! Now pray for Jodi's Daddy- The top part of his heart is beating to fast and the bottom to slow- Please pray for Jodi as she is exhausted!**
Posted by
3:47 PM