Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!!! I hope yo were blessed in 2008 and just as blessed in 2009!!! In honor of thee new year here are 8 things that were great in 2008!
*The Wonderful People I met
*Going to Disney World for the first time with Anna Grace
*Going to the beach
*Our first full year with our Princess
*Anna Grace turning 2- Sad but sweet
*Our numerous trips together as a family :)
*Watching our Princess grow :)
Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. I got my hair cut! Tell me what you think :)
Jer 29:11 (NIV) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future
*If you have any questions for or about me just leave a comment and I will do a post to answer the questions :)
Also I just redesigned one of my best friends blog!! Go over to Kara's blog and tell me whatcha think :)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
One Verse Wedesday & Happy New Year!!! {UPDATE}
Posted by
7:25 AM
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Ok blogger friends- I have been in the blogger world FORVER and I have failed to introduce you to my excellent, wonderful and ever so supportive family! So here is a little tour of our household!
Hal (Dad)- One word- Wonderful! He is a very hard worker! He does a TON for our family and without him I have no idea what we would do! He loves us no matter what and is kind hearted, God Loving/fearing servant and very patient! We love him and w/o him we would not be the same. He is the anchor to our ship (If that makes sense) :) Love you Daddy :)
Angel (Mom)- Amazing, Wonderful, Support, Hardworking, Creative, Helpful, Kind-Hearted the BEST Mom in the world! She is amazing and is what keeps us going and the house clean :) Thanks Mom :)
Me- You all know me... Any questions about me? Comment and I will do a post answering them :)
Adam- Middle Child, Caring, Creative, Genius, Mathematical, Lego builder and patient! He is an awesome little brother who I fail to show how much I really do love him :)
Hayne (Hayney Grace {just to Anna Grace and I})- Funny, Athletic, Strong (really), Power Ranger/ Spiderman/Superman/ Titanium Ranger/ Peter/Prince Caspian, Sweet, and so very loving! He is so kind hearted! I don't ever stop to tell him. Even when he gets on my nerves and might drive me nuts I still love him :)
Anna Grace (Princess)- Beautiful little Princess who has taught me SO many things in life! She is my 'baby' who I would die for! I love you Annababy!
There ya have it! Short and sweet! Hopefully to the point though! Here are my grandparents who I also treasure greatly!
There you have it my family! If you have any questions about or for me just COMMENT!!!!
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
John 8:34
Also two more photoshop* tryings~Tell me what you think!!!
*Sorry i'm not the best with the grammer :) Not my strong point :)
Posted by
9:26 PM
Playing with Photoshop :)
Well thanks to Mykel (family member)I now know how to do some of the basics in photoshop* and I LOVE it!!!!!!! Here is what I have done so far......
Since I have a new computer I have NO pictures on my laptop at all so I just found this on my blog! Leave comments and tell me what you think :)
Well by request I would like to tell you that my wonderful Nana got me a LAPTOP for Christmas! She also downloaded Photosh*p onto it :) Thanks Nana!!! Yesterday we went up to North Carolina to have Christmas with some of my Dad's family. The night before we had Christmas with another part of my Dad's family! We got home around 12:45 am last night- We had tons of fun! On Friday we will leave to go to Bobbi and Jake's house!! Until then we will be relaxing!
Posted by
6:20 AM
Friday, December 26, 2008
Can it really be over??
I can't believe Christmas is OVER!! I am SO sad!! I LOVE Christmas it is my favorite time of the year along with the 3 million others in America! lol I had an excellent Christmas! It was even better with my Princess by my side! She is so sweet! I loved watching her oo and ah over what Santa and Nana got her! Yesterday morning she was SO excited to see what Santa had left for her. She was thrilled when she saw all the Princesss, Dora, and Baby Dolls/ Stuff he had brought her! Then at Nana's house she was SO excited about a Princess table and chairs set she started squealing and shaking she was so excited! It was priceless! We did learn that she does not need to walk around with a candy cane b/c she will have it all over her and the house! She is such a joy to be around and I can't wait for her to get up this morning so we can play with all of her things!!! Her are a few Pictures from th 24th and 25th! ENJOYMy sweet little Jesus Lamb at her concert at school :) She sang Happy Birthday Jesus and Away in a Manger :)
A look back into the past! I did this same thing when I was 2 lol
Anna Grace with the world's BEST Nana!!!
After eating a candy cane-- It's a highchair next time Princess!
Mommy helping her open her Princess purse
I got Photoshop for my computer and I don't have any idea how to use it! If anyone has any tips just let me know! :) Thanks :))
*Anyone needing a new blog design for the New Year just go HERE and email me!! I would love to design for you!
Posted by
5:59 AM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas Y'all! and Tagged and Happy Birthday
Matthew 1:21
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Blessings and Hugs!
Ashton and Princess Anna Grace
I was tagged by Top 5!
So here we go.....
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Fill out the questions below
3. Tag 5-7 people at the end of your post.
4. Pass on the tag. Have FUN!!
1.Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot Chocolate you could not pay me to drink egg nog :/
2.Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
He lays them all out and sets them all up for us- We have never had them wrapped ever!
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
WHITE all over no colored lights!
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
5. When do you put your decorations up?
Saturday after Halloween! We take them down sometime after New Years
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Special white chocolate chex mix my Mom makes- It is WONDERFUL!
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Yes all of the presents from My parents.... This is a new tradition started last year
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree?
We put red and gold and all this "fancy" stuff on it! I love it!!! We have a fake tree we don't do real ones because of my Brothers allergies and because fake is easier for us!
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it?
Never seen 'real' snow we only get ice down here but i'm not to fond of it!
12. Can you ice skate?
Not really... Never really tried
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
Yes! It was a Lee Middleton baby doll I named Adi (I am odd and spell it weird haha)
14. What is the most important thing about the Holidays Christmas for you?
Celebrating Jesus' birth and spending time with family and friends. For me, remembering the reason for the season is the biggest challenge and the greatest reward!
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
Chex Mix mom make {explained on ? #
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
17. What tops your tree?
BIG Ribbon bow!
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?6}
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song?"
Christmas Shoes-New Song
All I really want for Christmas- SCC
Christmas Carol- UMM not sure
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum?
Yum I like the red and white peppermint ones! :)
21. What do you want for Christmas?
A Nikon D60 camera!! (Not sure if I will get it :) crossing my fingers)
22. Do you attend an annual Christmas Party?
Not really we go to annual Christmas get togethers with family
23. Do you dress up on Christmas or wear PJs?
Yes I always have to wear matching pajamas with my brothers and Princess :)
24. Do you own a santa hat?
Yes! It is all fluffy and has white feathers all over it!!!
25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with?
We spend Christmas Eve afternoon from like 12-4 with my Dad's family and then to my Mom's family to celebrate my Uncle Johnny's Birthday which is TODAY!!
Well There ya have it :) Now I tag
Lexie (Go Figure :))
Posted by
6:12 PM
I got an award!!
Well Amy gave me this award!!! YAY!! Thanks Amy!!! The meaning of the award is This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships!! I am so honored my blog would represent that Thank you Amy!!! Here are the rules I must tag 8 people who I think have wonderfully clever blogs then who I tag must also do a post and tag 8 people! :) SO here they are!
Angel (My Mom) :)
Jodi (Mom's BFF)
Marla (Lego's and Tutu's)
Linette (Life with Hannah.....)
Christy (To Mia with Love)
Sara (Football and Fried Rice)
Angie (Bring the Rain)
Posted by
5:41 AM
Saturday, December 20, 2008
New Blog Design!
Well today I redesigned my Mom's blog and then decided to redesign mine!! Tell me what you think!!
5 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEKKKK!!
And we are off to Pigeon Forge!!! Can't wait to post pix!! Must go! Have to pack!! (I am CLEARLY a procrastinator!) :)
Posted by
6:14 PM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Long Time NO update :)
For this child I prayed; and the LORD has given me my petition which I asked of him:1 Samuel1:27
A Surprise from the North
Sorry it has been FOREVER! I have been SUPER busy with TONS AND TONS of homework! On Sunday night we had a HUGE surprise!! Deb, Ken, Kara, Christopher, and Meighan all came and visited us last night and spent the night on their way to Disney W0rld!!!! We had so much fun for that short amount of time! We started the fun off by going to Pizza !nn for dinner (Their favorite place down here!) Then Kara and I came upstairs to play on the computer and talk while our parents stayed downstairs and talked. Anna Grace and Meighan are SO sweet together!! They hugged and kissed and had SO much fun!!! We miss y'all and are soo glad we got to see you!!!!
Then on Monday we headed off to the doctor with Princess. She had a runny nose, cough, feverish, and just didn't feel good all weekend. We were then told she Pneumonia!!! My parents spent some time at the hospital with her to get some tests run! Please pray she continues to get better!!!
Off to TN
well this weekend we are off to TN to go to Dolly*wood!!! Nana, Papa & Shag are coming along!!! EEEKKK!! I can't wait!!
Sorry for the quick update!! I will try and post more tomorrow!!!
*PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pray for Pappy/Joe (Jodi's Daddy) He is back in the hospital after only a few short days home!!!! PLEASE PRAY HE WILL SOON RECOVER AND BE HOME!!!!! We need your prayers and thank you so much for your prayers already!! Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts!!!! Thank you so much for your prayers!!
Posted by
1:53 PM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Happy 53rd Birthday to the GREATEST Nana ever!!!!!
Well the title pretty much says it all!!!! Happy 53rd Birthday Nana!!!! She literally is the best in the world!!! In honor of her 53rd birthday here are 53 things that we love about Nana!!!
- Love she has for us
- Caring spirit
- Amazing
- Kind Heart
- Her willingness to help anyone in need
- Nice
- Hard Worker
- She always puts others first
- Always comes to all of our sports/school activities!
- Her bond with Princess
- Her Love for everyone
- Love for God
- Love of Disney World
- Love for our country
- Love of Mickey M0use*
- Fun
- Funny
- Makes us laugh
- Watches funny movies w/ us
- Her ability to take pictures
- Her love of scrap-booking
- Kind Hearted
- Greatest Nana ever
- Her Cooking
- Her sweet Tea :)
- Spending the night at her house
- Watching TV with her :)
- Playing Phase 10 (I taught her how when she broke her arm)
- Going on Vacations with her and Papa
- Mathematic ability (Mom is the same way)
- Giving Spirit
- Playing Games with her!
- Loves us unconditionally
- Always helps
- Never stops
- Always doing things for us
- She always supports us
- She spends days with us
- She has a cell phone (Princess said that one) :)
- Because she gives me a bath (Princess said that one) :)
- She is Excellent (according to Hayne)
- Takes us places
- Make crafts with us
- Always gets us Icees!
- Let's us eat junk food!
- Let's us stay up late watching movies!
- Let's us get up early and go walk around when we are at the beach
- Buys us stuff
- She gets up early!
- She feeds Princess empty ice cream cones
- Caring
- Perfect for us
We love you,
Ashton, Adam, Hayne, and Anna Grace
Posted by
6:31 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Chorus Concert!
Well tonight is our chorus concert! I am excited and I LOVE the songs we are singing! Here is what they are-
- Miracle of Hanukkah
- Let There be Peace on Earth
- Zoot Suit Santa (All Girls)
- Carol of the Bells
- Calypso Gloria
- Run to the Manger
- Christmas Pipes
- Grown up Christmas List
- You'll be Swingin'
This pix will be a little sneak peek to a really cute/funny thing Princess did! (I know it is dark but I don't want to give it away!
Posted by
1:32 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
That is what Princess is!! She is quite funny! She will walk around and say to people "I'm Babylicious!!!!" It is quite comical and she is loving what people say! lol
Also I wanted to say congratulations to Lexie who's parents are in China right now and they just got Karleigh Mei!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!
Sorry this is such a short post! I will post some pix later~
Posted by
12:42 PM
Friday, December 5, 2008
FFF #3
Here is one of my favorite pix! Even though it is not recent :)
I wanna go back to D!sney SO bad :) I miss it
Posted by
2:44 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Thankful Thursday
I took this picture the other day and I love it :) Tell me what you think :)
I am Thankful For:
- Wonderful Family
- The Christmas Season
- My Princess
- Church Family/Youth Group
- House
- Our Health!
- Blogger- If not for it I would not have met so many wonderful people :)
Proverbs 19:20-22
♥I love this verse♥
Posted by
12:55 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Talkative Tuesday :)
Well today I am going to call this Talkative Tuesday b/c I have so much to tell you all :) Hmmm Where should I start??? How about with Princess? I think that will work :) So here we go....
Princess has a cold but that is how she is during the winter :) She is feeling better and is getting back to herself :) She is SO much fun and a ball of energy! She is in LOVE with Princess and could watch "Snoppy Brown" (Charlie Brown) all day long! She is starting to become more and more of a Princess everyday! She is SO sweet and polite and that gets her everything she wants :) She is spoiled rotten! But that's how it should be :) Here is a conversation that she had with my Mom and I in Kohl*s on Saturday-
Princess- Oh Sissy I love this chair!!! Can we get it Puh-weasse?!?!??!
Me- I don't know Baby you gotta ask Mommy
Princess- Otay I will- Here fold it up so she can carry it
Me- Okay (Folds chair up)
Princess- Oh Thank you Sissy!!! Anna Grace gonna carry it now- (Tries to carry it) Sissy Hold me
Me- Okay put her in one arm and chair in the other
Princess- Oh Thank you Sissy I luffa yooh!
Me- I love you too!
*Finally get to my Mom I put Princess down so she can go work her magic*
Princess- Oh Mommy can I pwease get it I luvvvv it! Oh Please Mommy its so pretty! Please with whip cream and a cherry on top can Anna please get it?
Mom- AnnaBaby why don't we find another chair that you can sit in better
Princess- But Mommy this one is soo pwetty and it has Cinnawella on it- Oh please
Mom- Okay Maybe we can get it-
We didn't get it though b/c it wasn't in the packaging and was dirty- We are looking for a really cute one for her :) Any Ideas??
She is now 20.08lbs! She is still SO little! I love it! She is my peanut! Right Now she is sitting beside me coloring :) I can't believe how big she is getting! Time is flying by and i'm not so sure I like it :) I am looking forward to the future but missing the past.... I can't believe the year is almost over! In less than a month it will be 2009! How freaky is that?!?!? I can't believe it- To think 2 years ago we didn't even know who are Princess was and now I can't think of a day without her! It is amazing to me.......
Here is a picture of the Princess with her turkey that she made at school :)
Also this week is the Holiday Fair! We are selling T-Shirts! It starts tomorrow and from then till Sunday we will be CRAZY! I am kinda excited b/c we get to look around and see all the neat things! Hope you are all having a Great Week-
This wasn't as long as I planned but still pretty long :)
Oh and I almost forgot! We have had Princess for 17 months today!!!! How amazing is that?!?!??! It is SO hard to believe-
Please remember to keep Jodi's Daddy (Joe/Pappy) In your prayers! Thank you for all the prayers so far! Go to her blog please- She has updated about him and has pictures- She explains it a lot better than I could- Thanks again...
Posted by
2:25 PM
Friday, November 28, 2008
So Much for That.........
Well so much for updating everyday/every other day :) BUT to make it up I have TONS of pix!!!! I will be updating more I promise! I have just been SUPER DUPER crazy! Hope you are all doing well my Princess is! She has got a nasty cold right now- Please be praying for her!!
Also please be praying for Joe "Pappy" he is still not doing great- Please be praying he gets home soon and that his leg will heal- Thanks-- Here are the pix--
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥She was mad at me b/c I wouldn't give her the candy :) and she wanted to go inside :o) so I took these and that was that- We went inside and got her candy :)
*There are TONS more to come but I will save it for another day :)
Posted by
1:49 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Has it really been a Week??!?!???
Yupp I think it has! I am SO sorry I haven't updated lately! I have been crazy! I just got back from a retreat in TN with my Youth Group at my Church and it was AMAZING! Little Miss Princess is doing wonderful and getting a little more strong willed each day! She is SO sweet though- Melt your heart with her "Oh I love you Sissy" or her "Oh Sissy I gonna give you a kiss cause you so sweet" It is quite funny too! We only have 2 more days of school and then we go on Thanksgiving break!!! WOO HOO! :)
Tomorrow Princess goes to the Eye Doctor so be praying for some good news! :) It is amazing how much of a difference glasses have made on her and we are SO blessed to be able to know that she needs them so her vision does not worsen- Please be praying her prescription goes down! That would be another blessing! I do not have any new pictures to share :( I know I'm failing in blogger world and I'm sorry! I am going to try and update everyday or every other day!
I also wanted to update on Joe/Pappy and tell you he now has Phenomena in one of his lungs- Please continue to pray for him!
Hope you are all doing well :)
Posted by
1:13 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008
FFF #2
Here is a pix I have posted before but love it- It is of Meighan and Anna Grace- We miss you guys! Hope to see you soon!!!
I am sorry I haven't updated lately life has been CRAZY! I was sick for 2 days this week so it has just been crazy- :)
Joe did well in surgery and he is recovering- Please Pray he has a quick recovery! Also Please go by Jodi's blog and leave her a comment- Please be praying for their entire family :) Thanks for all your prayers so far :)
Posted by
4:33 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
School & Prayers please
That's right my baby started school :( I am SO sad! I never thought it would come- She is having fun though so that is good! I can't believe she is it is hard to grasp that fact- Here are some cute little conversations I have had with her over the past week:
PAG- Hey Sissy!
Me- Hey Annaboo
PAG- What you doing?
Me- Watching TV
PAG- I'm getting pretty
Me- Fun Where are you going?
PAG- To a Ball
Me- With who?
PAG- A prince! I need go get my Snow White shoes!
(Walks off)
Me- Are you going to school tomorrow?
PAG- NO I not! Anna NO go school! You No make me- I no wanna go! I am not going Sissy Anna go to Shop with Mommy!!! (Shop is my Dad's work)
Me- ok ok
These aren't to funny but still cute :)
Please take a moment in the next couple of days and say a prayer for Jodi's daddy. Joe is such a special man and those who love him most(his grandchildren especially) call him Pappy. He is having open heart surgery on Wednesday morning. Please pray for God to guide the hands of the surgeon and for Pappy to recover quickly. This has all been quite sudden and no one is prepared. He is in great health but in need of a heart healing. Pappy is the most precious, happy man and he would do anything for anyone. He loves his daughter, wife and grandchildren so much. Please remember them all as they journey this road-pray for peace and comfort as they wait through the 7 hour surgery. I can already see Pappy walking himself from CCU telling jokes and making everyone laugh. Thanks for your prayers. We love you Pappy(and MeeMee)
Also Pray for Deb one of our friends who went to China with us- She is having surgery today please pray it goes well and she has a quick recovery!
Posted by
9:02 AM
Friday, November 7, 2008
FFF #1
Here is my first Favorite Foto Friday Post! Let's all see how long I can keep this up! :) {this pix is from a few weeks ago}
Also I finally figured out how to make signatures!!!!!! YAY!
Posted by
9:25 AM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Picture Fun
Today since it was Election Day we were out of school!!! Kamden and Cole came over to our house and spent the day with us- I got bored (Go figure) :) and decided to have a "Photo Shoot" of Princess and Kamden- Since Kamden is 4 she was more willing to let me play with her and have fun- Princess was great just not as patient- :) I took Kamden outside 2wice and snapped pix- I think they turned out wonderful and you can really see the blue in her eyes- I love them!! Thanks Kam for allowing me to play around with positions and take pix of you! I had SO much fun- (Not sure Kamden can say the same but she was AWESOME) :) Here are the pix I got of Princess and Kamden :) I think they could be Models :) Sorry it is in one big collage there were just too many :)
SO I changed my blog for Christmas!!!!!!!! Whatcha think?!?!???
Posted by
5:58 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween Pix
OK to reveal what Princess was..............
A Pumpkin
I will be posting a pix of her veryyyyyyyy soon
She was going to be Cinderella BUT it was WAAAAYYY to cold for the costume! I still think she looked precious! Good guesses everyone!! We all had a blast- One of my best friends, Gracie came with me and we had a ton of fun! We didn't really go Trick-Or-Treating we really just went to festivals churches were having! Here are the pix from Halloween!!!
I cannot believe Christmas is only 52 days away!!!! It is amazing how time flies!
and by the way
GO OUT AND VOTE! {I can't but a lot of you probably can}
And when you do, be sure to get your "I Voted" sticker and KEEP IT !!!
Then you can get a FREE tall Starbucks coffee
a FREE star shaped Krisy Kreme donut
a FREE Chick Fil A sandwich
a FREE scoop of Ben & Jerry's icecream (5-8pm)
Or all of the above if you plan ahead:)
Just VOTE, even if you don't have time to get all these things :)
Also if you or your child have A's on report cards they can get up to six original glazed donuts at Krispy Kreme for each A. Cause we all know that we all don't already have more Halloween candy in our homes than we will ever need or be able to eat and we need more sweets!
I got this info off Windy's blog- A Peek at Us-
Great info Windy THANKS!
Posted by
11:03 AM
Friday, October 31, 2008
I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween!!!!!!! Since I don't have my pix loaded I am going to give to until tomorrow to comment on my other post to guess what Princess was........... We have 2 very good guesses so far! Hope you all got lots of candy! (or at least your kids did) :)
You can also comment on this post to guess what Princess was for Halloween!
Posted by
7:37 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Random Week Stuff
Well I just wanted to update and tell you what was going on! On Monday we were out of school!!! :) So we went to Ch*ck E Cheese and also got my brothers Halloween costumes! Adam is going to be Darth Vader and Hayne is going to be a starwa*s ranger thing lol I'm not really sure! I will reveal Miss Anna Grace's costume tomorrow! :) We haven't done much else this week really- We did go to the Trunk-R-Treat at our yesterday and did a trunk which was fun and everyone LOVED Princess and her costume!! I am not dressing up this year- :( Mybest friend and I were going to be Hann*h Montan* and Miley Cyrus- lol Just for fun but I don't think we are :) Oh well maybe next year :) Hope you are all having a great week!!!
*Anyone wanna guess what Princess is being for Halloween??? Just leave a comment! :)
Sorry for the SUPER short post-
Posted by
4:19 PM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Blog Award!
Well Amy has given me a blog award! I love to read her blog and see what is going on in her life with her precious little girl! Go over to her blog and take a look!
If you get this award you must then choose 7 blogs you love to read and then post this sticker (above) on to your blog somewhere-
Here are mine
- Lexie {Journey to Karleigh Mei}
- Leslie {Princesa Gautemalteca}
- Kara {Life with Meighan Fu}
- Abigail {Life with my Mei Mei Addie}*Private*
- Ahnna {Life with my precious Mei Mei} *Private*
- Jodi {Funny Farm}
- Christy {To Mia With Love}
Have a great rest of the weekend!! :)
*Also a new blog design! Tell me what you think!
Posted by
12:32 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Look at that sweet face! Oh how I miss that
Well today I am thankful for these things:
- My Mei Mei who is being rocked right now waking up from her nap-
- My Home
- My WONDERFUL family
- The fact that Volleyball season is almost over- (I know it's a bad thing I really have enjoyed it but I am ready to be home in the afternoon!)
- My friends
- Christmas is only 2 months and 2 days away!!!!!!
- Internet : )
Have a GREAT Thursday & Friday!!
Posted by
3:03 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I've been tagged! : )
Now I get to share 7 weird things about myself and I get to tag 7 others.
- I am a perfectionist at a few things 1 example is if a paper is bent I have to get a new one! Stuff like that drives me CRAZY!!
- I am VERY simple! I don't get a lot of things until WAY after it is over :) I was blonde at birth lol (NO offense towards blonde's) : )
- I can't stand to be around sick people I lose it if someone throws up around me (I can't help it)
- I love flip-flops! I wear them during the winter! (My Best Friend and I wear toe socks with them when its REALLY cold)
- I'm NEVER really quite around people I know EVER! I am LOUD- lol :)
- I HATE to write! (The odd thing is I spend A TON of my time on the computer writing post) : ) {This is random but EVERYTHING i do with#s is 7 I am #7 on the volleyball team (i got to choose :] }
- I LOVE Dis*ney movies! Especially the Princess ones (My Princess is rubbing off on me) When I was little I wanted to be Ariel and have red hair- To this day I LOVE and have an obsession with red hair!! :)
Anyway here is who I tag!
Also we took AG for her 2 yr old check up thing and she is still 20.6 she has not gained an ounce in almost a year :O The doctor said he would be VERY worried if she were not Asian she still does not rank on the American growth chart and is barely in the 20%tile on the Chinese! :( We have a lil peanut :) The nurse brought stickers for her and this is how the conversation between the 2 went:
AG- I need 5 stickers
Nurse- these are 5 stickers
AG- UM no this is (takes stickers lays them out) 1,2,3,4 stickers I need 5
Nurse- OK
AG- I want a Cinderella sticker
Nurse- Okay I'll go get one
AG- Otay
Nurse- (Has sleeping beauty sticker) Heres your Cinderella sticker
AG- No thats Auwua I want Cinderella
Nurse- No Honey this is Cinderella
AG- No it's not I know my princess' that's Auwua I want Cinderella!
Kids say the CRAZIEST things : )
Hope your all having a GREAT week! :o)
Also go to our new Carolina Girl Website!!! Look at all the designs! Tell me what you think!!! :) Christmas will be out next Monday and I LOVE it!!!
Posted by
3:37 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
FINALLY! Here are the pix from PAG and Hayne's Party! I would have made collages BUT my computer is SO slow! I decided to just use the ones my Mom made on Picasa! I am SO sorry it took SO long to get these posted! Hope you enjoy.. Just click to enlarge the collages : ) Hope you are all having a GREAT weekend!
Here are the pix from the Pumpkin Patch and festival!! We had a great time!!! ENJOY!
Posted by
12:23 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
It's been awhile since I've done one of these! ENJOY!!
{no idea why I chose this pix i just thought it was sweet : ) }
Posted by
2:46 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
Princess Anna Grace
She wore her dress!!!!! We were thrilled!!Mommy helping her open presents!
Sir Hayne
Princess with her Mommy and Daddy opening her presents
My Princess and I!
Today we went to a pumpkin festival type thing and a "mini" pumpkin patch! We had SO much fun!! Princess had a ball! We played games, jumped on bouncie things, and much more! I can't wait to share the pix! I have loads of pix from that and pix from Princess an Hayne's birthday party! Our laptop is giving me a fit SO when I get the chance I will upload them! But here are a few to hold you over! This is all I could get to upload :]
I have got to get back into blogger world! I miss it!
This is my hate list about being crazy:
- I have NO time!
- I rarely have free time
- There is no free moment most days
- I never get to spend as much time with my Princess as I want to
- I never get to blog or look at others blogs
- You feel like you are going 1,000 different ways!
- Playing my favorite sport
- Doing what I love
- Never being bored
- Spending a lot of time with friends
- Never being alone
Oh! I also want to add a few conversations I have had with Princess in the past week!
Wednesday- 10/8/08
Me- Hey Annaboo
PAG- Hey Sissyboo howa you
Me- I'm good. How are you doing today
PAG- I guess I fine
Me- That's good
PAG- I want some gummies
Me- We don't have any
PAG- Go get some then
Me- I can't
PAG- Why
Me- I can't drive
PAG- Make Mommy get them for me
Gotta Love her!
Friday- 10/10/08
PAG- Hey Sissy
Me- Hey Anna
PAG- I weigh 20lbs
Me- You do?!?!
PAG- yup! I so pretty lika model!
Me- Yes you are
PAG- I know-
(Walks away with hands by her side like a model lol)
Me- Pick a pumpkin Princess
Me- Lets get a baby pumpkin
PAG- You go get one
Me- Which one
PAG- A princess one
Me- OK
She cracks me up- She is SSOO sweet and I LOVE her more and more! These aren't too funny but they are still cute!
Enjoy the weekend!!!
Ashton and Princess Anna Grace (PAG)
Posted by
2:08 PM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Carolina Girl
These shirts are what my parents started selling these shirts to raise money to bring Princess home! We had NO idea how far these would go and how well we would do! These are the new designs they just came out with! Tell me what you think! My Parents own a screen printing and embroidery so they made the shirts "out of house!" lol Just thought I would share these shirts!
By the way in Volleyball news we now have a record of 3-7- Ya not so good but were getting better! Hope you all are having a great week!
Posted by
3:39 PM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
New Blog Design!
Well my blog is redesigned for Halloween! Tell me what you think! I love that picture of my little Princess!!!
Posted by
10:00 AM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Kids for Kids- and We are having a Partyy!!! and which Design?
I know this is an old pix but..... hey better than nothing :)
As you all probably know I am doing blog designs now for anyone who wants one! I don't charge but to people who would like to pay in some way I ask them to make a donation to Love Without Boundaries- My story got to LWB and they put me in their monthly news letter called Kids for Kids!!! Go here to check it out HERE! I am SO excited!
In other news..... Tomorrow we are having a PARTY!!! It's for Hayne and Princess!! We are having a Knight and Princess party!!! I am SO excited! We are having it at our house! We should have a ton of fun! We will have a "Slay the Dragon" game! (Jodi drew the dragon and he looks AWESOME) We are also having "Sword Fights" (Lord help us) Then for our Princess we are doing hair/makeup and playing princess games! This should be a lot of fun!! I will post pix ASAP!! Also some of our best friends Bobbi and Jake are coming!!!!!!! YAY I can't wait to see Lillie and Maddie! We are going to have a fun weekend!
This was a VERY hard ticker for me to make! I about cried! She is getting SO old and time is just flying........ I'm trying to enjoy this time with her but it is going by too fast-
I love you Anna Grace FuLai!
Also here is a beautiful song by Crystal Shawanda called "You Can Let Go" it is beautiful- Please take a moment to listen to it... Sorry it's not the actual video it wasn't embed on Y*ouTube-
*By the way my leg is healing REALLY well!! Thank you for all your prayers!!! I also wanted to thank you for your concern! Princess and I are doing WONDERFUL! We are just CRAZY busy!!!*
One more question! Do you like this header or the header I have right now??? Be honest and please tell me! I can't decide! :)
*click to enlarge*
Posted by
6:07 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I am a terrible blogger!
I am a TERRIBLE blogger! I am SO sorry I have been SO slack! Let me update................... Let's start with my birthday!
September 20th- Got up that morning had Bojangles! Then My Mom, Nana, Anna Grace and I went to get a Manicure and pedicure! The we went to a few different stores and then to meet my Dad who was taking me to the mall! He took me shopping and let me go wherever I asked! Then he said "Lets go to Frankies and ride go-carts before we meet everyone at the Olive Garden! (YUM)
I was like "UM ok then" We go to frankies and start walking towards the go carts when I hear some people yell "SURPRISE!!!" I was freaked out and surprised! We then spent a few hours at frankies and then went to the Olive Garden to eat! It was great! No pix YET soon they will come! OH but I must say the best part of my birthday was when Nana let me DRIVE! I drove in my Dad's office parking lot! It was SO much fun! :) Anna Grace still thinks it is her birthday and when you ask her "Anna Grace whos birthday is it?" she says "It is Annaboos!" then walks away singing happy birthday to herself! SO cute!
Here is the not so fun part of my week-
September 24- I went to school very regular day- I went to volleyball practice and while we were running around the gym a girl accidentally ran into me- Our gym has these little storage doors under the stage that the cheerleaders were getting stuff out of for the game yesterday night- They left it open and I was running and when she pushed me over I was running to fast to stop- I ran right into the door and now knows what it feels like to fly! lol I got up and finished running that lap until I reached the coach- All I saw was a scratches all on my thigh- My coach told me to wash it off when I went into the bathroom i pulled my shorts up and there was a gash in it! I freaked out- We went to the nurse and they called my Mom- I didn't really cry- It hurt though! I just got back from the doctor and they cut the dead skin (eww gross I know) and they touched it to make sure there was no wood in it- It was very painful but at least it is not worse than it is! Sorry I don't mean to make this post all about me! I tried to add stuff about my beautiful mei mei!
Here is what I am thankful for this week:
- My family
- My leg is OK
- My Beautiful Mei Mei
- The t-shirt sales are going GREAT
- We are all healthy (knock on wood)
- My new phone
- Being on the volleyball team!
I will post pix as soon as I can! Our laptop is messed up and my Dad deleted our pix on accident!! Pray we get them back soon!
Posted by
10:54 AM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My *early* Birthday Present!
Picture of it
Well I thought I would share with you all my Birthday Present! I got a new cell phone!! I got the Verizon Voyager Titanium! I am SO excited! I love it so far- I have 30 days to try it out- Do any of you know anything about this phone or have one? If so please TELL ME! (Next Saturday is my birthday btw)
Here are some conversations I have been having with Miss Anna Grace and some things she has started to say-
On Tuesday we were having our 1yr homestudy and right before the lady came Anna Grace took her glasses off and wrapped them around her ankles and started walking around with them like that- Here is the conversation between her and my Mom-
Mom- Anna Grace where are your glasses?
AG- On my feets
Mom- No Ma'am! (gently pops her hand (not hard enough to hurt) )
AG- (In verry pitiful voice) OH Mama you need ta be gentle with the baby!
I thought this was quite funny! My OH My what else can she say??!?!?!?? lol
Had my iP*d in my hands listening to it-
Anna Grace- Hey SISSY- I need yo ipo*
Me- I'm listening to it baby you can in 1 minute
AG- (waits 10 milliseconds) OK it been minute now her turn! (she constantly talks in 3rd person)
Me- (Hands over ip*d)
AG- OH tank you sissy tank you
Me- Your welcome
AG- (puts earphones in her ears and starts dancing)
On her birthday in bank w/ Mom-
AG- (to total stranger) Hey it my birday give me sugas!
Sept. 12- Day AFTER her b-day
AG- Hey Sissy!
Me- Hey baby girl
AG- It my birthday sing my birthday song.
Me- " Happy Birthday to you.........."
AG- OK bend down I need to blow out candles i use your hair
That is all I can remember at the moment!
*I am SO sorry I have lacked in posting SO much! and I really am trying to comment on all of your blogs! Please forgive me!!! At the moment I am CRAZY!*
Posted by
6:23 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Princess
Today is Anna Grace FuLai's (or Princess as you all know her) 2nd Birthday- I am SO sad! I can't believe how time has flown! She is SO big!
Dear Princess,
You are my life- I don't know what I would do without you. I can't imagine going through a day without you- I know I haven't gotten to be with you much since volleyball started and I really hate that- I hope you know how much I love you and miss you during the days- You can ask ANYONE I know you are ALL I talk about. I can't believe we have had you for 15 months- It doesn't feel like it at all it feels like forever. I hate I wasn't here this morning when you opened your gifts and It was hard for me not being there. I wish time would freeze and you would be 1 forever but sadly today that changed you are no longer my 1 year old sister you are my 2 year old sister. :'( It makes me SO sad to think about how much you are growing up. I can't believe how much you have changed before my eyes. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I'll love you until the end of time. One thing I know that won't change is you will always be MY Mei Mei.
Happy Birthday Princess,
Posted by
6:18 PM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Happy Birthday Meighan Fu
Look at how little they were (they still are little but look it makes me sad :[ )
I would like to wish one of Princess' Xiushan Sisters and very best friends, Meighan a Very Happy 2nd Birthday!!! kjhasdhjkkhsdkhc kdilsdkjsd==fmsddiuikjsd- I just let Anna Grace write you a Happy Birthday note Meighan- We love you and hate we couldn't be there with you! Anna Grace and I miss you SO much! Princess asks to see you everyday! I hope you have a GREAT day! Love you and Miss you!
Ashton and Anna Grace FuLai
Posted by
11:30 AM
Friday, September 5, 2008
Prayers Please
Please Pray for Princess she doesn't want to keep her glasses on- She rips them off and throws them down or pulls at them- Please Pray she will keep her glasses on and not continue to take them off I can't imagine how it must feel to her to have them on all day but please pray she will start keeping them on again- Thanks for all your prayers-
I cannot believe in 6 days Anna Grace FuLai will be 2! I am SOO sad! :o( She is growing up WAYY to fast-
Posted by
5:14 PM